Thursday, July 7, 2011

Negative Publicity: Facebook in the news

I found an interesting article in Bloomberg Businessweek earlier on today concerning Facebook. Its an old article fromMay 17-May 23, 2010, but it says a lot about what is happening on Social Networks today. The story was provided in the Technology section of the publication and the heading says "Facebook's Washington Problem." The main concern is information sharing: "Since its start in 2004, Facebook amassed one of the world's richest stores of facts and figures related to consumer behavior. The status updates, product-related musings, friendship connections, and entertainment preferences shared by more then 400 million people worldwide make the site attractive to marketers and Web publishers . . . " The story also implied that The social network is facing a privacy backlash that could prompt congressional hearings. P33


  1. In the same way that social networking sites are great for marketing and advertising your business, it is also a great way for consumers to report, recommend and complain about a business. A friend of mine recently hired a marketing company to market his small business. He later found out that they had been known for scamming people. He simply Google'd the company name, and sure enough, there were dozens of FB mentions, tweets, blogs about the company. After attempting to contact the company for a refund, and not receiving a call back, he posted on Twitter about his experience. Apparently, when you mention a company on a tweet, the company gets "tagged" on the actual message. He immediately received a message from the company's PR department, followed by a call and the situation was resolved.

    It's a great tool for companies to market, but it's also a great tool for consumers to learn about the product/services they are purchasing.

  2. The BBB is another great way to check out businesses, too. That way, you would know with whom you are dealing.
